Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's Officially hot!

Today is supposed to be 102 degrees ( Fahrenheit), I went out & put the girl's new masks on that I made yesterday. Poor little Martha had 'armpit' sweat. LOL. So I turned on the misters for them today. I first turned them on yesterday and they weren't too sure about them. But after a couple minutes they were back in the stall relaxing in the shade with fly free faces :)

Here's the masks, I had to redo the ears because they were too small. Unfortunately they don't make a donkey pattern, so I just had to guess.

Here's the girls wearing their masks...........

Update, LOL, Martha destroyed her mask. I'm not sure if she's ever worn a fly mask in her life, but she pretty much killed it!!!

I found it in the stall missing a whole ear, and the seams at the poll and the eye dart were ripped. I'd really like her to have a mask with ears, I will probably make her another one, or repair the last one. Not sure what happened, so I don't really want to make it 'stronger' for all I know she got caught on a gate or something. and the mask did it's job and broke off before she could hurt herself.

Daisy's mask was intact, I think she actually likes her mask.

Here's the girl's mister system, its one of those free standing misters zip tied to the outside of the donk shelter LOL

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