Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daisy's britchen in progress!

Worked on Daisy's britchen some more, got the tugs on the main strap, still have 6 more straps to braid! but I ran out of paracord! boo.

But this is what I have so far!

Friday, August 27, 2010


My handmade 'western burros' magnet has been featured in an etsy treasury!!

to check out more of my hand made creations check out

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

SCary Donkey stuff!!

Yesterday after scooping the manure into piles so I could pick them up today, I rearranged some stuff in the donk pen, moved tires, hung a tarp. Grabbed these foam pipe covers to let the donks play with them, I took them out when I left. Knowing Daisy she'd freaking eat one.  Daisy loved them, Martha was afraid of them. Although I did catch her playing with one near the end. lol.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sunday Evening Driving!

This was Daisy's first time down the road. There are a few things I need to learn lol, like tension on the lines. In the pasture any tension on the lines would cause her to stop. So I think i'm working more on forward motion before I start driving 'properly' LOL. While we were out I got her to Whoa once on vocal command only! It was amazing!!
Driving miss Daisy!
Saying 'hi' to Lucky the Mini Horse

Braiding a donkey Breeching!!

this is by far the biggest thing I've ever braided!! it's TWENTY strands!! equaling a 2" strap!
the first pic is when I started, and the second is when I finished back braiding, before I took off the ends. so far I love it. Its not perfect though, but I think it's gonna be awesome having a hand braided breeching strap for Daisy!! In the future I may offer hand braided donkey tack in my etsy store -
We all know how hard they are to fit & find tack for!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Daisy's first ride in the open!

I thought Daisy would do well out in the open, this is her 2nd 'official' ride - with no lead rope etc. I figured it would give her more purpose than walking around the pasture. It did, she did awesome, she was moving out nice & we stayed at a nice brisk walk!

I tried to keep her on the road, but we still ended up having some drive by grazings lol I didn't want to focus too much on keeping her straight and end up using the reins too much. so for most parts I was just along for the ride. i think she had a great time.

Driving Daisy & Martha

today I did a quick session with Daisy because the weather was freaking fantastic!! it wasn't hot, and it was breezy!! so i had to take advantage of it!

Last time I drove Daisy she did pretty well, but it was SLOW!
this time she knew what i wanted - other than the fact that mid tacking she decided to walk back to the shelter and I spent about ten minutes trying to navigate her back out the pasture, I think she eventually figured out that I wansn't giving up until we got out there!

Once we were out there, she did great! walking off nice, did some whoas, and was OK at turning, she doesn't like going right, the little brat. I even got her to pick up the pace a bit!!

I think she thought we were going down the road, she kept heading towards the gate!

Then i threw everything on Martha, it was her first time ever.  I had some major donkey glue, then when she did decided to walk off it was more like run as if monsters were chasing her!!

So i'm doing some research on how to help her understand what I want. I may have to bring the clicker out, or have a helper. Also right now I only have a crop and not a driving or 'gig' whip.